09 Apr Learn about superfoods and how they can help you
Adding superfoods to our diets is more important than ever. The abundance of food on the market with a lot of calories but no nutrients causes health problems. Currently, there is a need to combat diseases and social problems related to health as obesity, cancer, diabetes and diseases associated with the circulatory system. Also, as a result of industrialization, a lot of chemicals are sprayed on our food, and then are transported long distances to be cooked and finally eaten. Thus, when those industrialized foods get to our stomach they’re not giving us the nutrients we need to face the day.
Superfoods are a way to give our body a true quality and build a strong immune system, protecting us from various diseases.
They have more vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals than any other food on the planet. Superfoods provide complete nutrients that will make us feel and see ourselves better, will give us more energy and help our body to fight against all kinds of problems that can harm our system.
Superfoods naturally help our immune system, simply because they have a lot of minerals. They also alkalize and detoxify our body.
The majority of superfoods come from the nature and are not treated. Superfoods are not only organic foods, develop naturally in their native environments without the need to be cultivated. Superfoods, like organic products, are clean, free of hormones and chemical pesticides.
What are the nutrients that superfoods contain?
- Antioxidants
- Healthy fats
- Essential fatty acids
- Whole plant proteins
- Minerals
- Enzymes
- Coenzymes
- Polysaccharides
- Adaptogens
- Bioflavonoids
- Glyconutrients
- Vitamins
What are the best superfoods?
Surely, now you ask yourself what are the foods that we could consider as superfoods. From Gold Foods, we have some available on our online store:
- Chia seeds: provides high amount of omega-3, fiber and calcium.
- Quinoa: contains more protein than any other grain.
- Sesame seeds: source of manganese, copper, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B1, zinc and dietary fiber.
Remember that we’re the caviar of seeds!
A few other examples of foods that have garnered the “superfood” label:
- Acai
- Cacao
- Goji berries
- Greek Yogurt
- Kale
- Spinachs
- Oatmeal
Do you want to know some recipes to enjoy these superfoods?
On our blog we have a lot of recipes that will give the nutrients you need to change your daily habits. They’re easy to prepare and delicious!
- 5 healthy sesame seeds recipes
- The easy way to prepare sugar free chia jam
- Gluten-free quinoa and chia seed bread
- Party food ideas: quinoa and chia seed chips
- Quick quinoa recipes to bring to work
- Surprise your sweetie with this oatmeal and chia seeds pancakes
- Perfect main course recipe: roasted beef tenderloin with quinoa and vegetables
Changing your lifestyle is not possible from one day to another, it’s a process that takes time, but incorporating superfoods to your diet is a good way to start.