World Earth Day 2018: How to help save the Earth?

Earth day April 22 what can we do to save the planet

16 Apr World Earth Day 2018: How to help save the Earth?

National Earth Day is observed each year on April 22. Its origin, in 1970, set the start of the modern environmental movement, when 20 million Americans took the streets, parks and auditoriums to claim for a healthy and sustainable environment. 

Since its beginnings, the Earth Day attained political coincidence, with the support of different trends and economic positions, as well as citizens, tycoons and union leaders. 

This day provides us the opportunity to educate all the citizens of the planet about the problems that affect the Earth and the different forms of life that are developed. 

The worldwide celebration led to the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as well as the legislation approval related to air and clean water, and the conservation of endangered species. 

Since then, every year on this day, the world reflects and moves for a better Earth. 

In this way, April 22 is a key date for all countries, organizations and individuals to reflect on caring for the Mother Earth. To think about the pollution, animals, plants and environment. 

Earth Day 2018: End Plastic Pollution 

Kathleen Rogers, EDN president, announced that Earth Day 2018 “will focus on mobilizing the world to End Plastic Pollution, including creating support for a global effort to eliminate single-use plastics along with global regulation for the disposal of plastics.” 

EDN’s End Plastic Pollution campaign includes four major components: 

  1. Leading a grassroots movement to support the adoption of a global framework to regulate plastic pollution; 
  2. Educating, mobilizing and activating citizens across the globe to demand that governments and corporations control and clean up plastic pollution; 
  3. Educating people worldwide to take personal responsibility for plastic pollution by choosing to reject, reduce, reuse and recycle plastics, and 
  4. Promoting local government regulatory and other efforts to tackle plastic pollution. 

Our planet Earth in numbers: 

  • It emerged more than 4,500 million years, along with the other planets of the solar system. 
  • It has a diameter of 12,713 km from pole to pole, and 12,756 km by the equator. For this reason, it has a spherical shape, slightly flat at the poles and widened at the equator. 
  • The Earth’s surface is approximately 510 million square kilometers. 
  • The total volume of water of the Earth is estimated at 1,420 million cubic kilometers, including the rivers, lakes, ice, Ocean, atmosphere and subsoil. 
  • The total volume of the Earth is 1,080,320 million cubic kilometers. 
  • The Earth’s highest mountain above sea level is Mount Everest (8,848 meters). 
  • It has more than 7,000 million, the 50% is less than 25 years old. 
  • It gives a full rotation around the Sun in 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes and 9 seconds (approximately one year). 
  • Turns over itself in 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds (about a day). 
  • Its average speed in is 30 km per second. 
  • The minimum temperature that can be reached is – 89, 15 ° C and the maximum 56.7 ° C. 

How to celebrate the 2018 Earth Day? 

Each of us can celebrate the 2018 Earth Day in an ecological and particular way. What can we do? We can carry out small acts that altogether can actually transform in big events. From Gold Foods USA, we want to bring some tips that you can carry out to help save our planet: 

  • Recommend a friend to switch from incandescent lamps to low-energy lamps. 
  • Talk to people about the benefits of renewable energies. 
  • Why not to plant a tree? 
  • Teach children to appreciate and care for nature and educate them about the importance of biodiversity. It is an imperative that children learn, in a natural and fun way, the value of water, land, air, and how important it is for the planet that we do not pollute our Earth.  
  • Do not throw trash into the street and do it in the right places. 
  • Recycle, and encourage your friends to do so. 
  • Do not use plastic bags. If you have to be use them, it is best to recycle them. Thousands of animals are going to thank you. 
  • You can spread the meaning of global warming and what it has to do with climate change. 
  • Take your time to do some social cleaning. On this day, some organizations are dedicated to clean different places that are abandoned. 
  • Calculate your carbon footprint. With the help of a carbon calculator you will be able to know your personal contribution to global warming and in this way, remedy and reduce your own pollution. 
  • Whenever possible, you should avoid the use of polluting transports. It is better to use the bike to go to nearby places or go walking. If it is not a near place, choose public transports. 
  • Practice some sport. Practicing a sport will keep you in connection with the Earth as you get in shape. 
  • You can also choose to change your cleaning products as they have a great quantity of chemical components. 
  • You can also try new habits related to your diet. Superfoods are a good option to start having a healthier life, because they provide energy and do not harm the environment as they grow naturally. Try the caviar of seeds! 

Make every day the Earth Day

To do it, there is nothing better than committing to taking care of the planet every day. Sometimes the small actions carried by all together are those that rise the big changes. 

Let’s take care of our planet and get others to look after it too. So, on this Earth Day, do something for the change. 

Gold Foods USA celebrates the 2018 Earth Day to remember that the planet and its ecosystems give us life and sustenance.