13 Jan Fiber and Chia: allies for a healthy diet
What is fiber? And why is so important for our body? This is something that we do not digest and it goes to the toilet exactly as it came. You can find it in two different grains (soluble and insoluble) but it doesn´t say each food has one of them, in fact most plant-based foods have both of then mixed.
When you eat soluble fiber it turns to gel in the stomach. It means a slow digestion, and some benefits as lower cholesterol and blood glucose. Otherwise, isoluble fiber, travels all the way to the colon without variations, and it can shimmy through the intestines easily. Both soluble and insoluble fiber are not absorbed into the body.
How many fiber should I eat per day? One of the important things about fiber is that it regulates the speed of digestion and contributes to feel you are satisfied. It can help you to control blood sugar and appetite too. There some other points to know, for example fewer minerals get absorbed from food, but anyway it is considered one of the basics of any healthy diet.
The Institute of Medicine recommends that men under 50 eat about 38 grams of fiber each day, 25 grams if you are a woman. People older needs less fiber (30 grams for dudes and 21 grams for ladies). Knowing that Chia seeds are one of the best grain to obtain that amount in a diet, because it contains 5.5 grams of fiber per tablespoon, almost more than any other food. But if you are looking for some of the most fiber riched meals ad Pearled barley, Oatmeal and Bran Flakes to your daily food.