Grow your own chia seeds – seriously!

18 Jan Grow your own chia seeds – seriously!

If you had a Chia Pet you know you can grow your own chia seeds. You couldt have eaten those and you will be able to consume whatever you grow in your garden, in a bowl and even on a wet napkin.

While many types of seeds are best sprouted and grown in a jar, such as wheat and various kinds of beans, chia seeds grow best using the sprinkle sprouting method. Add equal amounts of chia seeds and water to a shallow tray. After an hour, tilt the tray to pour out the water, leaving behind the moistened chia seeds. Cover the tray with foil to trap in the moisture. After approximately four days, the chia seeds will start to grow.

Pick the Right Water

For the fastest sprouting results, chia seeds should only be grown with non-chlorinated water, such as bottled spring water or water that you have run through a filtration system.

Keep Things Warm

Chia seeds grow best at slightly warmer temperatures.  Maintain a temperature of approximately 70 to 85 degrees around the chia seeds during the germination and growth period.

Don’t Presoak the Chia Seeds

Do not presoak chia seeds. That’s because the seeds create a gel-like surface if they’re soaked for too long, which in turn inhibits germination and can cause the seeds to start rotting before they’re given a chance to grow.

Measure the Growth

Chia seeds are best consumed when they’ve grown approximately 1/2 inch long. If you can’t eat the chia sprouts all at once, put them in a sealed container and store them in your refrigerator for up to 14 days. This stops their growth and helps slow the formation of bacteria.